Our Vows
Father William Lloyd Ryan:
“The Religious Life is the striving after perfection.
It means striving to love God and be as perfectly united with Him as possible.”
Chastity. Poverty. Obedience.
Code of Canon Law 599
By the Vow of Chastity, we freely offer up the gift of marriage and physical motherhood. Through this vow, we become the Spouse of Christ and a spiritual mother to the Church.
Code of Canon Law 600
Through the Vow of Poverty, we are called to imitate Christ, who although he was rich, was made poor for us. We freely live a life which is poor in fact and spirit.
Code of Canon Law 601
The Vow of Obedience, undertaken in a spirit of faith and love in the following of Christ obedient unto death, calls us to obey legitimate superiors, who stand in the place of God. By this vow, we freely surrender our will to God who ultimately knows our heart.